Kittiwake, Dartmouth holiday rental

Availability & Rates

Information about our availability and rates can be found below. To make a booking enquiry, please use the calendar function below. Our weekly rates can be found at the bottom of the page. Depending on availability, change over days can be moved to accommodate different date options. Please get in contact with us to enquire.

Make a booking enquiry

Please select the number of nights you wish to stay then simply hover over the calendar and click to select the date range. Once selected please click the continue enquiry button where you will be asked for more details.

Once completed, your booking information will be passed on to our property management company Dartmouth Holiday Homes who will process your enquiry.

Select number of nights
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  Booked - Not Available

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Weekly rates for 2023

Prices based on Friday - Friday bookings. Please bear this in mind if you have a different changeover day.

Period Date Weekly Rates
November - December (excl. Christmas & New Year) 03/11/23 - 22/12/23 £1,150.00
Christmas & New Year 22/12/23 - 05/01/24 £1,995.00

Weekly rates for 2024

Period Date Weekly Rates
January, February & March (inc. Feb Half Term) 05/01/24 - 21/03/24 £1,250.00
Easter Half Term 22/03/24 - 04/04/24 £1,850.00
April (excluding half term) 05/04/24 - 02/05/24 £1,640.00
May (excluding half term) 03/05/24 - 23/05/24 £1,640.00
May Half Term 24/05/24 - 30/05/24 £1,850.00
June 31/05/24 - 27/06/24 £1,640.00
July & August (excluding Regatta Week) 28/06/24 - 22/08/24 £1,995.00
Regatta Week 23/08/24 - 29/08/24 £2,095.00
September 30/08/24 - 26/09/24 £1,995.00
October (excluding half term) 27/09/24 - 17/10/24 £1,640.00
October Half Term 18/10/24 - 30/10/23 £1,850.00
November - December (excl. Christmas & New Year) 01/11/24 - 19/12/24 £1,250.00
Christmas & New Year 20/12/24 - 02/01/25 £2,095.00

To enquire about mid-week or weekend rates please use the booking enquiry calendar above.